Michel Albonico

An Adjunt Associate Professor at UTFPR, Brazil

I absolutely love teaching and diving into research. Being hands-on with cool tech and getting involved with software development really gets me going!

About Me

I am an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Technological Federal University of ParanĂ¡ (UTFPR), Brazil. I teach software engineering and distributed programming courses. I also lead the research group (IntelAgir), as well as technological and research projects. I hold my Ph.D. degree in Software Engineering from IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France. Since my doctorate, I have been seeking international experiences, and besides the period in France, I have also spent some time in Amsterdam (with S2 Group@VU Amsterdam), the Netherlands, and Stuttgart (with ICM@University of Stuttgart), Germany.

Recently, I have also adventured as a hobbyist full-stack software developer.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • Machine Learning
  • Robots and Arduino
  • ROS
  • MQTT
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • Bootstrap
  • Node

Get in Touch

I am always open for adventures and exciting collaborations!